Lineups on the go
LineupsValorant is the fastest and best way of finding lineups on the go.
LineupsValorant is the fastest and best way of finding lineups on the go.
Built for speed
A lineup for all scenarios
Upload your own lineups

A lineup for every situation
With over 3900 lineups, we have a lineup for every situation.
Search quickly
Filter lineups to get the best, most relevant lineups for the job.
Save lineups for later
Save lineups for later, allowing you to skip straight to them in game.

Download the Overlay
Skip the need to tab out to view lineups.Unlock extra features by creating an account.
Upload Lineups
Share your easy kill lineups all in one place.
Sync Saved Lineups
Sync data like your saved lineups across devices.

Unlock More Rewards
Unlock profile pictures as a reward for contributing to the community.
Support Lineups
Like lineups to help them get recommended to more users.